Dia-Hacking Go Live
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- 0/100 Students
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- 12 Lessons /0 Quizes
Hello and welcome to DIA-Hackers! We are so excited to have you here. This community is full of amazing people who are passionate about helping others reach their goals. In this Introduction Module, we will be talking about the importance of getting outside your comfort zone to learn new strategies that will aid in achieving your goals. We will also be walked through the 12 steps process, so you have a road map of what to expect on your journey. Thank you again for joining us, and we can’t wait to see the amazing things you accomplish!
Course Curriculum
Pre-Work & Structure
5 Lessons / 0 Quizes
Welcome to DIA-Hackers!
50 points
My Fitness Pal User Guide
50 points
Taking Measurements
50 points
Accessory List PDF
50 points
CGM Videos - Dexcom Clarity, Libre View, Medtronic Carelink, Inpen Insight
10 points
Become Awake
4 Lessons / 0 Quizes
Resource Vault
50 points
Actuality Test
50 points
BECOME Workbook
50 points
Self Commitment Contract
50 points
Activate DIA-Hacker
3 Lessons / 0 Quizes
I Am a DIA-Hacker
50 points
DIA-Hacker Workbook
50 points
TID Resource Vault
50 points